    The current position: Polymer Chemistry
Zhou Jian-Jun

Published Date: 2016-03-04

Zhou Jian-Jun

Zhou Jian-Jun 中文

Associate professor (Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science)

Postal address: College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Xinjiekouwaidajie 19, Beijing, 100875, China
Phone: +86-10-6220 7629; Fax: +86-10-6220 6152
E-mail: pla_zjj@bnu.edu.cn
Group homepage: http://zjj.chem.bnu.edu.cn/


Polymer Physics, Polymer Physical Experiment, Testing of Polymer Materials

Research Interests

Crystallization and aggregation behavior of polymers Preparing microporous film by stretching

Representative papers

  1. Zhou JJ, Li J, Fu YQ, Bo ZS, Li L*, Chan CM. “Rod-like Crystal Growth of Dioctyl Substituted Polyfluorene from Nematic and Isotropic States.” Polymer, 2007, 48: 2503-2507.
  2. Jiang X, Yang JP, Wang XH, Zhou JJ*, Li L. “The degradation and adsorption behaviors of enzyme on poly(butylene succinate) single crystals” Macromol. Biosci. 2009, 9, 1281–1286.

Copyright : College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University. Xinjiekouwaidajie 19, Beijing, 100875, China